Saturday, 12 July 2014


Term 3 is shaping up to be very exciting time for 'Kids Make Art' after-school sessions.
A longer term this one at 10 weeks will give us a great opportunity to have fun exploring the different art elements, techniques and mediums we can use to express ourselves. Beginning with an amazing activity where we will be channeling our inner Dr Seuss and creating a fantastical artwork. A favorite project with all.
We will be starting back the first week of term, which is the week beginning Monday July 14th 2014, with our first art sessions on Wednesday 16th and Friday 18th.

As you probably know each Wednesday & Friday session runs for 2 hours after school, 4 to 6pm, and is directed towards 6-12 year old artists.
Both sessions include afternoon tea* in addition to the supply of all art materials and equipment.

For the Wednesday group’s 10-week term, the upfront payment is $280 per young artist at one session per week. Or $32 per session for casual - week-by-week - bookings.
For the Friday group’s 9-week term, the upfront payment is $250 per young artist at one session per week. (No art sessions on the final day of school term, Friday 19th September due to early school finish & holiday plans etc). As above, $32 per session for casual - week-by-week - bookings.
 If you are interested in any of these art groups for your child/children please contact me via email to or text or voice call 0415 155 287.  
BOOKINGS are a must so that I can creatively cater for all.

*Snacks and drinks provided are (water/juice box, popcorn, rice crackers, cheese and/or biscuits, simple stuff). Please let me know if your child has any allergies, food intolerances, dietary requirements etc.

Give me a call if you have any further inquiries or need a different time for your art session.
'Kids Make Art' is located in the St Kilda area, Victoria, Australia. 
Hope to see you all soon for some fun art projects.
For more information contact Jacquelyn Stephens 0415 155 287 or 

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