Sunday, 13 October 2013

Kids Make Art After-school Sessions Term 4‏

More excitement this school term with spring in the air and summer peeping around the corner what fun we are going to have!

Working on our Artist’s Books
Our ongoing project that may just go on forever.
All about freedom, play, self-expression and experimentation.

Again a good long 10 week term to give us a wonderful opportunity to have fun exploring the different art elements, techniques and mediums that we can use to express ourselves.

After-school art sessions are on Wednesday & Friday and run for 2 hours after school, 4 to 6pm, and are directed towards 6-12 year old artists.

Both sessions include afternoon tea* in addition to the supply of all art materials and equipment.

We have started back, the first week of term, which was the week beginning Monday October 7th 2013, with our first art sessions on Wednesday 9th and Friday 11th.

‘Crikey you have already started & we missed out!’..... Don’t worry you can start at anytime during the term.
You can book your child in for the whole term or attend casually, week by week.

However, BOOKINGS are a must so that I can creatively cater for all. (That is a couple of days notice is always good for me).

Telephone Bookings: 0415 155 287

*Snacks and drinks provided are (water/juice box, popcorn, rice crackers, cheese and/or biscuits, simple stuff). Please let me know if your child has any allergies, food intolerances, dietary requirements etc.

For the Wednesday and Friday group’s 10-week term, the upfront payment for permanent booking is $280 per young artist at one session per week.
Or $30 per session for casual - week by week - bookings. Price includes afternoon tea* and the supply of all art materials and equipment.

This term, due to the final week of term often being so busy with Pre-Christmas school and social events, I have decided it best to not run formal art sessions that week and definitely NO art sessions on the final day of school term, Friday 20th December due to early school finish (1pm) & holiday plans etc.

You can pay me via Direct Deposit Banking into my bank account cash or cheque.

Wearable Portraits about us and our the world

I adore teaching these art sessions and feel very lucky to see all your lovely young artists blossoming every week and their beaming smiles of achievement.

Furry Toy Portraits

Come along and join the fun!

Wall Self-Portraits
Need more information
Contact Jacquelyn Stephens

0415 155 287

And the one you are on now


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